Who we are


At a Glance

What we do

mi2-factory GmbH sells a novel, in-house developed process technology: Energy-Filtered Ion Implantation (EFII©) in combination with the production machine EFITRON©. Microchip producers buy EFII© for cost saving, performance increase and design innovation in semiconductor power device manufacturing for chips that are applied in the fields: Electro Mobility, Photovoltaic, Wind Power, Traction, Industrial Drives and Grid.

EFII© is as a production tool, which is specifically tailored for every customer application. The technology is used for processing of wafers, which is the basic material of microchips.

For specific silicon carbide (SiC) power devices a cost-reduction of up to 50% per wafer is achievable. EFII© enables completely new chip designs for SiC.

mi2-factory GmbH offers a high-precision, flexible, cost-competitive microchip-based solution for SiC doping issues in high volume wafer production. EFII© results in high levels of doping accuracy across SiC wafers and from wafer to wafer. EFII© is worldwide unique with no easy alternative visible.

Quality policy

ISO certification


Funded & supported by

Meet our Team

Prof. Dr. Michael Rüb
CEO & Managing Director

M.Eng. Benjamin Tom
CFO & Managing Director

Dr. Florian Krippendorf

M.Sc. Constantin Csato

M.Eng. Stefan Illhardt

M.A. Luisa Rudolph
Management Assistance

M.Sc. Anoop V. Purayathe
Design Engineer

M.Sc. Hitesh Jayaprakash

Get in Contact

Funding Projects

“The Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) supports Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI) in the fields of microelectronics and communication technologies. The funding supports developments of future-oriented, innovative microelectronics and communication technologies up to market maturity. The developments are intended to complete the European value chain and thus contribute to European technological sovereignty. Energy-efficient technologies and processes advance climate protection.”

“Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.“

mi2-factory GmbH conducts a feasibility analysis for an R&D project regarding a special ion implantation machine component.

mi2-factory GmbH takes part in an international conference.

mi2-factory GmbH is exhibitor on a national semiconductor trade fair.

mi2-factory GmbH takes part in an international conference.

mi2-factory GmbH develops a new kind of filter design. This project is financed by the state Thuringia and co-financed by the European Union with the EFRE-fund.

In the joint project ‘MiMaQua’ (micro-macro optical components made of quartz glass) an innovative head-up display demonstrator consisting of an imager with optical fused silica components and a holographic reflection of the virtual image information is being developed. The development of the required manutacturing processes and their integration into a complete process chain is an essential development goal. The new technology approach is based on the combination of volume hologram element, surface structured micro-optics and macro-optical forms for the realization of the required complex optical components for illumination, spectral filtering, and projection. A compact integration of these functionalities is made possible by the combination of ion implantation and optical analysis.

Because of strategical reasons mi2-factory GmbH wants to gain (especially female and international) staff for R&D activities. The student from EAH Jena therefore is suitable very well, because of her studies in the field of Scientific Instrumentation. Furthermore she has comprehensive language knowledge, she is interested in the working field of mi2-factory GmbH and already has practical experience in research and industrial sector. Because of that mi2-factory GmbH would like to get to know the student and wants to support her during her studies.

mi2-factory GmbH gets funding for office equipment, software and technical equipment. Goal is to support the company with basis equipment for the business activities.

mi2-factory GmbH develops a special chamber for a wafer endstation. This project has two main goals:

1. Increase of troughput for application of Energy-Filter technology for ion implantation
2. Precise process control for Energy-Filter technology